Practice Update
Dear Parents, Wake Pediatric GI will join Raleigh Medical Group, PA, in January 2025. This transition does not affect our location, care, and services we provide. A few insurance participations may change. We recommend that you check the updated list of our accepted insurance. Contact our office if you have any questions.
Healing with Excellence & Compassion
Why Pediatric GI​
Pediatric Gastroenterology is a medical specialty dedicated to the care of children with digestive and nutritional conditions. A Pediatric Gastroenterologist is a physician who takes care of children with GI conditions. This includes conditions of the:
Esophagus (food pipe)
Nutritional issues
When your child has digestive complaints, you want the very best pediatric gastroenterologist to care for them. We can help you diagnose and treat your child's GI conditions.
Our Philosophy
At RMG Pediatric Gastroenterology, our goal is to provide compassionate, high-quality, cost-effective, and family-centered care to children.​
We listen to children! We believe that every child provides us with clues to solve their digestive issues.
We understand parents! We want to minimize medication use when possible. Parents are the final decision-makers. And, we want to be your partners in the treatment of your child.
Cost-effective care without going to the hospitals: As the only independent pediatric gastroenterology practice in Wake and surrounding counties, we are very cost-effective, when compared to hospital-based practices. Compare the cost of care here.
Common GI complains
Stomach or abdominal pain
Nausea, Vomiting, Acid Reflux
Constipation and Diarrhea
Eating or Swallowing Difficulty
Food Allergies and Intolerances
Poor Weight Gain or Weight Loss
Bleeding from GI System
Bloating or Gas
Abnormal Investigation or Test Result
Conditions we can treat
Crohn's Disease and Colitis
Acid and Non-Acid Reflux
H. Pylori
Nutritional Conditions
Chronic Constipation
Motility Disorders of GI System
Gall Bladder Conditions
Failure to Thrive: Weight Issues
Gut-Brain, Nervous GI Diseases
Celiac Disease
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ulcer Diseases
Infections in the GI System
Polyps and Hemorrhoids
Pancreatic Diseases
Liver Diseases
SIBO: bacterial overgrowth
and, many more ...
We Offer Comprehensive Care

Our relationship with a family starts with a clinic visit, in person or Telemedicine (online care for remote patients). It helps us understand their concerns, order tests , and diagnose or treat the condition.

We provide a variety of dietary approaches to treat a condition or support digestive health. We partner with pediatric-trained dieticians who understand their needs.

Our endoscopy centers provide a variety of cost-effective GI procedures (such as endoscopy, pH monitoring, motility testing, colonoscopy, and video capsule), outside the hospital setting

In case children need hospitalization, we can admit them to pediatric hospitals or ER. Dr. Kunde has hospital privileges at:
WakeMed Hospitals
UNC-Rex Hospital
Cost of Care Compared to the Hospitals
(Data based on a local hospital's Cost Comparison Tool, 2023)

A message from Dr. K
"Dear Parents,
Thank you for visiting RMG Pediatric GI (formerly known as Wake Pediatric GI).
I am a board-certified pediatric gastroenterologist and have cared for children with digestive issues since 2008. Although academic medicine and research were exciting, I soon realized that patient care is where my passion lies, and helping children and their families provides me with the greatest satisfaction. During these years of clinical experience, I understood that
Pediatric gastroenterologists are in high demand but their availability is mainly limited to hospitals
There is a high healthcare cost associated with hospitals, investigations, medications, and GI procedures
Most GI conditions can be managed in an outpatient office setting without going to hospitals
Therefore, in 2018, I started private practice to provide exceptional, affordable, and convenient GI care to children. My goal is to be a dedicated adviser for the digestive health of children – so you can make the best decisions for your child."
Dr. Sachin Kunde, MD, MPH
Pediatric Gastroenterologist
American Board of Pediatrics Certified

Office (Clinic) Location
Endoscopy Center Locations
2601 Lake Dr, #201, Raleigh, NC 27607
3024 New Bern Ave, #101, Raleigh, NC 27610